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GRN [GRÜN] Finishing Powder White Ash
The vegan compact powder conjures up a matt effect on the skin with its light texture and natural minerals. The powder optimally fixes the make-up and creates an even finish. For a more subtle look, the powder can also be easily applied without prior make-up. - Product availability may vary between stores. To be on the safe side, we recommend getting in touch with the relevant branch. -

Edeka Wunderlich

Bayreuther Strasse 26

Fichtelberg, 95686


Edeka Wunderlich

Bayreuther Strasse 26

Fichtelberg, 95686


Edeka Wunderlich

Bayreuther Strasse 26

Fichtelberg, 95686


Edeka Wunderlich

Bayreuther Strasse 26

Fichtelberg, 95686
