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Rooibos Honeybush
Honeybush is a caffeine-free herbal drink similar to Rooibos, but sweeter. This unique health drink is said to calm the nervous system, boost the immune system and is also rich in minerals such as iron and calcium. Used traditionally to teat coughs due to its content of pinitol, which is also known to lower blood sugar level.

Fruits & Roots

Cnr Hobart & Grosvenor Road

Hobart Corner Shopping Centre


South Africa

T +27 11 463 2928

Kent Road Three

Shop 11 Riverside Shopping Centre, Cambridge Road


South Africa

Organic Natural & Food Emporium

4 Cambridge Road (off Bryanston Drive)


South Africa

Weleda Pharmacy - Bryanston

453 Main Road, Cnr Culross Road


South Africa

T +27 11 463 3604 / 5