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Rooibos Honeybush And Buchu
Rich on antioxidants, full of honey flavour and the freshness of the Buchu it makes the perfect all the time drinkable tea. Rooibos:100% fine leave cut in potbags with its distinctive taste of tannins contains many important minerals and antioxidants caffeine free and well suitable and refreshing around the clock. Buchu is like Rooibos one of the many plants forming the fynbos of South Africa'€™s Western Cape, only growing here and is cultivated for its distinctive aroma and medicinal purposes. Honeybush is a caffeine-free herbal drink similar to Rooibos, but sweeter.

Funky Bean

Cnr Smith & Bradford Road, Bedford Centre


South Africa

T +27 83 632 2359

Spar - Sunninghill Super Spar

Cnr Maxwell Drive & Edison Crescent, Sunninghill Village Centre


South Africa

T +27 11 803 2901