GreenTalk with ViberiBack to News

05 May 2022

What inspired you to create an organic, BioGro accredited assortment of blackcurrants ranging from freeze-dried, soft-dried and organic blackcurrant powder to chocolate coated blackcurrants. 

We have been aware of the health benefits of Blackcurrants for a long time, through the clinical trials and scientific researches which have been done internationally and also in New Zealand.
We were determined to grow such a super-berry organically on our farm to offer the ultimate healthy products for the consumers. We also wanted to produce healthy products by using our berries to make it easy to use as a part of everyday diet to get the health benefits from them hence we came up with our frozen, freeze dried and powder in a raw form with nothing added and nothing taken out. Our chocolate rolled and soft are healthy treats.

What were the main challenges you faced in order to get it launched; and are you still facing these challenges today?

There were a few challenges in the last few years. We needed to educate the customers about the health benefits of blackcurrants and how to use our products. Therefore, we have done a lot of shows and in store tastings to introduce these products and get the customers to taste, feel and see them.

What helped you to see it through to the end?
Customers feed backs and how they love to use our products and how they have noticed a considerable improvement in their health.

What were the most memorable, defying moments during this time?

Finding out how it’s been helping customers by improving their health. Winning a few food awards. Our products being used in some famous brands as an ingredient. Also, many people in the health industry have been using our products.

What are your plans for the next 5 years?
To bring products which are more focused on health and well-being. Also, to make them accessible and affordable to more customers.